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About the New England Golden Jubilee

The mere presence of a Golden Retriever, their soft fur, wide smiles and soulful eyes, helps to enrich our lives. The New England Golden Jubilee is about helping to enrich the lives of these beloved beings.  We celebrate their very presence and indulge their playful spirits with pure Golden Fun!


Our Golden Retrievers, we want their sweet lives to go on forever.  We know this to be an unrealistic desire for there is no living being that stays alive forever.  So, we settle for a yearning that our Goldens live a full life and save passing to the Rainbow Bridge for when they have naturally aged into their snowy white faces.  Too many do not have this opportunity.

The New England Golden Jubilee helps to promote and sustain support for the Morris Animal Foundation Golden Retriever Lifetime Study.  Too often we learn that yet another Golden Retriever has been diagnosed or has lost his/her battle with cancer. Sadly, we lost our very own Ginger and Nutmeg, two of the original four-legged organizers of the Jubilee, to cancer. The reality is that 60% of Golden Retrievers will develop cancer and 50% of dogs older than ten die of cancer. The research gathered from the 3,000 Golden Retrievers, including our very own Andy, who are enrolled for life in the study, will benefit all dogs, all breeds. We believe in the study.

The New England Golden Jubilee also helps to support Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue in fulfilling its mission of providing rescue services for Golden Retrievers who are homeless and working to ensure placement in safe, nurturing and loving forever homes. We believe in this mission.


From all over New England and beyond, Golden Retrievers, Golden Retriever Heroes and Supporters of the Study gather together at Dog Mountain, home of Stephen Huneck Gallery and the Dog Chapel in Saint Johnsbury, Vermont for a golden good time! We have a bonfire, hikes, swimming, games, a blessing of the animals and a cookout. It's a perfectly golden time! Each dog who attends receives a New England Golden Jubilee bandanna and a gift bag of goodies. 

The New England Golden Jubilee is free to attend.  Donations to help cover costs of the event are most welcome. All remaining funds will be donated to the Morris Animal Foundation Golden Retriever Lifetime Study. Opportunities to support Yankee Golden Retriever Rescue through our Kibble-Cup Auction are also available.



Please join us with your Golden Retriever(s), and other well-behaved dog(s), at the New England Golden Jubilee held each year at Dog Mountain! 

Thank you for your support! Hope to see you on the Mountain!





Sandy, Peter, Andy, Grant and Tori Lok

Organizers of the New England Golden Jubilee

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